Lockdown #3 (or 4?) – time to clean the windows!

Well we are starting Lockdown #3 today. For me – empty nester, working from homer – it’s not a huge difference to the day to day new normal. I’ve not walked round a shop properly since March – just occasional forays somewhere to pick up essentials, hoping the queue to pay isn’t too long and no-one invades my space. The food comes by home delivery. Nine months into this game we are still surprised with each delivery, like when we got a huge catering vat of natural yogurt because one of us didn’t notice the size of the tub we were ordering, or the spoonful serving of caramelised onion relish which I thought was a bargain but not quite such a bargain when in reality it served half!

Obviously there are lots of things I miss – top of the list being able to see my mum as often as I’d like and of course my kids – both living away and one not near enough for a socially distanced walk every now and again. Not meeting up with friends; Zoom and Houseparty are fabulous but any more than 3 people on a chat is a recipe for chaos, plus I find it hard to not crochet at the same time so I am sat there looking like Madame Defarge knitting at the guillotine!

Anyway we are launching ourselves into full lockdown frenzy. The paint pot is out – husband is painting the utility room whether it needed it or not! (it did need it) He hurt his shoulder last June and it is taking an age to recover. We were talking the other day about skills we have learnt during Covid and instead of Spanish, playing the ukulele or any of the other things he set out to do he cited being able to paint and do other DIY jobs with his non dominant arm!

Lockdown #1 saw me sorting out my linen cupboard – even ironing my sheets! A lack of visitors means this isn’t something I have to redo (every cloud…) but I do think I need to revisit my number 2 least favourite job and clean the windows – just so I can see the outside world even if I am not allowed to go out much!

Stay safe and – particularly if you are in the UK – please stay home so we can get ourselves out of this mess!